Barcelona Travel Hacks – Summer Please Don’t Go

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It is hard to believe that September is as good as over. In Hamburg the summer has left us in the last weeks. Before the grey and cold weather starts, we wanted to extend our summer for some more days. This time we went to Barcelona.

I was already three times in Barcelona, however, always only for one day. You probably all know the trips you made when you were 16 and yes, I admit I was in Lloret de Mar with my best friends. These holidays were always my annual highlight. Everything was so simple and carefree; we just enjoyed the sun and had a lot of fun together.

Barcelona had been on my bucket list for some time, so I’m even more happy that we decided this year against the Fashion Weeks and for an extended summer.

Beforehand, we already got some tips from friends and thought about what we would like to do in Barcelona.

We always plan our trips according to the same pattern.
  1. Save all restaurants and sights on Google Maps. So you know on the spot directly where the next cool bar is or the most beautiful breakfast spot. We mostly look at Instagram, get tips from our friends and look at TripAdvisor for the best restaurants, bars and cafes.
  2. We try to explore most of it by foot. Somehow, I always get a better feeling for a city and can orient myself more easily.
  3. A sightseeing tour by bus is perfect if you spend little time in a city. You can go sightseeing immediately and learn a lot about the city.

I love to just drift around in a new city. That’s why we always try not to pack the days so full, because that’s how you really get the vibe of the city.

xo Sonja








Top: H&M (similar here)

Pants: Edited (here)

Bag: Chanel (similar here)

Shoes: Shoppisticated Collection (here)

Shades: Ray Ban (here)


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