Travel Hacks – How To Survive Mallorca With Hand Luggage

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Travel Hacks – How To Survive Mallorca With Hand Luggage

Travel Hacks – How To Survive Mallorca With Hand Luggage…

A spontaneous trip to Mallorca with hand luggage? There are some tricks, that make you forget about the problem of a small piece of luggage. With todays travel hacks I will prove that to you.

If you consciously decide to go on vacation with less ballast, this can really be incredibly liberating. Because there is no annoying waiting for the baggage at the airport. Moreover you don’t have to ask yourself the question: “What of my clothes should I wear today?”.

8 Travel Hacks for traveling with hand luggage:

  1. Ask yourself, what is planned for vacation days? An approximate daily planning can be helpful to save a lot of clothes already while packing. So you don’t have to take clothes for any eventuality. You should plan your outfits depending on the purpose in advance.
  2. You should pack only one beach dress, that you can wear every day  for the beach. We are actually on vacation and not on the catwalk.
  3. Wear all the jewelry that you like to take with you on holiday already  on the departure. Maybe the people at the security checkpoint will be confused, but you can save some storage space and weight.
  4. As a beach bag I simply chose a summery jute. This bag isn’t taking up any space and weight, but still looks cute.
  5. Decide which two pairs of shoes you like to take with you. It is important, that you can combine them with all your outfits. In my case I have taken the Birkensock- sandals for the beach. Because once the beach begins, you will take off the shoes anyway and go the rest of the way barefoot.
  6. Take a cute bandana for the hair. It protects your hair, helps not to get sunburned on the head and also can be an great eye-catcher for your beach outfit.
  7. A colorful pool float is one of the funniest parts of the holiday. But for a week you can get the cheapest model for 4.50 Euro at every kiosk around the corner. Instead to squeeze them in our hand luggage, we gave it to two kids at the beach and made them happy. And let’s be honest …. at home the float would lay in the cabinet anyway.
  8. If the hotel isn’t offering a towel for the beach visit, you maybe find an old one at home, which you can dispose after the holidays with a clear conscience. So you can easily create the necessary storage space for small souvenirs.


As you can see – getting along well for a few days with little luggage is no problem. I hope you were able to take a few ideas for your next vacation and I wish you a nice summer.
Unterschrift Maike


Beach Dress Summer Dress



Cala Ratjada Mallorca

Beach Selfie

Jeans Shorts

Summer Holiday Outfit



P.S. Currently we are reunioned in Spain and you are welcome to follow us on Snapchat and Instagram. There we show you summer insights and would appreciate if you like to accompany us on this holiday. <3


  1. Einige hilfreiche Tipps sind hier auf jeden Fall dabei! Vor allem Tipp 3 wende ich schon seit Jahren immer an 😀

    Liebe Grüße,

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