The World is upside down and so we are

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The world is upside down – and somehow so we are. I have the feeling that first panic spread through the media in Germany and then suddenly everyone is talking about the fact that everything isn’t that bad after all. Everyone says to be careful, but not to panic. I do not remember that the world was ever in such an exceptional state and that the countries are closing their boundaries and nobody is allowed to enter. Is it good to be able to narrow the virus down a bit? Does it make sense or is it too late? I have a lot of questions in my head that probably cannot be answered right now. I hope time shows us whether we have acted correctly and prepares us for it if such a situation should occur again in the future.

The world is upside down and so we are, somehow.

It is very frightening and even if you take care of yourself, I think sooner or later you will get infected somewhere at some point. It is just worrying that you cannot see the danger and that you actually feel safe, but you aren’t. It can happen so easily, a hug from your best friend, a kiss from your boyfriend/girlfriend, a handshake from a colleague and suddenly you are infected.

Today it’s Henrik’s 30th birthday and I really don’t want to think about the situation in the world. I want to party, eat cake and have a good time with my fiance.


Take care and keep your eyes open. Better keep yourself at home if you feel uncomfortable and think about your fellow human beings. You may be able to get through the virus without any problems, but how about your parents order grandparents?


Now I think it is important to show responsibility, to be considerate and to strengthen solidarity between people. Only together can we prevent the further spread of the corona virus. So #StayTheFuckHome and help to lower the spread of infections #FlattenTheCurve. Do not put your own selfishness in front of the health of others and help each other as the #neighbourhoodchallenge does.


xo Sonja






Top: H&M

Pants: Loavies

Coat: Ivy & Oak

Bag: Prada

Shoes: Nike

Jewelry: Ariane Ernst


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