Must Have oder No-Go? Ugly sneaker & Shell jewelry

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Ugly Sneaker Shell jewelry

Oops … today I caught myself wearing two of the latest blogger trends. Shell jewelry is totally in fashion this summer. But I honestly fall into a “hippie mood” every summer and always cover myself with colorful bracelets and anklets during my summer vacation. Therefore, it was actually obvious that I would become weak when it comes to shell jewelry. In the train to the Baltic Sea Sonja and I have ordered this piece and since then I wear it almost daily as an anklet.

For the sneakers, the decision was actually a little harder. In elementary school, I was the proud owner of Buffalo Boots. To this day, it is a mystery to me how I could convince my mother to get them for me back then. Although they are currently back in trend, I don’t really like them. But I like usual plateau sneakers for dresses and skirts very much. Therefore, I have also thought about the Balenciaga Triple S longer, but I currently decided not to buy them. It’s just a lot of money for a pair of shoes and I have to be sure that they’re more than a trend for me.

The good thing is that there are many cheaper and not less beautiful alternatives. My sneakers cost a fraction and still give every look a certain amount of nonchalance. I really like the contrast between rough shoes and feminine clothes, so I’m really excited about this purchase. What do you say to the two trends? Must Have or No Go?


xo Maike





Philipp Lim Mini Pashli




T-Shirt: Closed (similar here)

Skirt: H&M (here)

Sneaker: Bronx (here)

Sunglasses: Céline (vintage here)

Shell-Bracelet: (similar here)

Bag: Phillip Lim (similar here)

* This blogpost contains PR samples and affiliate links

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    • Hallo Emilie,

      ich freu mich daher umso mehr, dass du dir dennoch die Zeit genommen hast einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen. Ich kann auch total verstehen, dass die Schuhe die Geister spalten. Ich mag sie einfach, weil sie ein so toller Kontrast sind und mal was ganz Neues sind.

      Vielleicht treffe ich beim nächsten Mal ja wieder mehr deinen Geschmack:)
      Wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende.

      Liebste Grüße,

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