It’s Moving Time

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Most of the move is practically finished… We are in the new apartment, trying to remove the chaos. If you want to read again, how the last days in my old apartment were and why it was hard to say goodbye after all, you can have a look here again.

I talked to my non-medical practitioner about the upcoming move and was full of anticipation. She gave me the tip that I should definitely take breaks, as a move is much more stressful than you actually think. A move is almost as stressful as the death of a loved one. First I couldn’t believe that, because a move is something very positive for me. However, she told me that the body doesn’t differentiate between positive and negative stress. Therefore stress is stress, no matter if it’s positive or negative.

The wardrobe has been ordered, the washing machine will be delivered this week and things are progressing. Yes, you have read correctly – we currently living without a wardrobe! Acutally, I thought it will be worse but I already have a structure and a slight overview where I find something. But I still hear Henrik saying ‘Sonni where is my razor?’ or ‘Have you seen a pen anywhere?’. So we are actually constantly looking for things that are still somewhere in boxes. And it is the same regarding our clothes.

At the moment I don’t need much time in the morning to find my outfit, because I have a very simple trick. I just take what’s at the top and mind that it somehow fits together.

The Paperbag pants were at the top of my pile of pants and are currently one of my favorite pieces because they are super comfortable and easy to style. By the way, I already uploaded a blog post about Paperbag pants in denim style.

Somehow I like our unfinished apartment. Actually it’s fun to assemble and arrange everything together with Henrik.


xo Sonja








You can find some of my current Paperbag favourites here:




Top: Edited (here)

Pants: Zara (similar here)

Jacket: &other Stories (similar here)

Shoes: Balenciaga (here)

Bag: Chanel (similar here)


xo Sonja


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