Grown Up – Auf Einmal Ist Man Erwachsen

*this article contains Affiliate Links & PR Samples


A few weeks ago I woke up in the morning and thought to myself: “Oh God, I’m an adult!” So much has changed and often you really don’t notice the changes in life because it’s a creeping process. But it’s also nice to see that life changes and I’m absolutely happy about my life right now. I live my life today much more consciously than I did 10 years ago and I would say today I arrived a lot more in my life than back then. I know what I want and what I don’t want. I accept myself as I’m and it feels good.
Suddenly I grow up …


One or two years ago, I was so busy through the university and our blog that I hardly had time for myself, my family, my friends and my boyfriend. And it so crept in that I didn’t even meet with my friends anymore because of my time issue. Simply because the day had too few hours. In the middle of last year it fell like the scales from my eyes. Of course, I travel a lot and work a lot, even when I’m at home, but isn’t it important to leave the laptop in the evening and have some time for yourself? I want to see my niece and nephew grow up and have lunch with my parents. I also want to meet my girls for a coffee and go to the movies with my boyfriend. And what I wanted the most is having my weekends back. These were all thoughts that suddenly occupied me. Of course, I’m now grown up and it is not the same as before. For example doing everything after school what I felt like. But with the right time management you can do it all and suddenly I have a lot more time. I’m working more productively and I’m looking forward to my free time and time with my beloved ones. Adulthood has me fully under control and it feels really good.

xo Sonja









Jacket: Zara (similar here)

Pullover: H&M (similar here)

Pants: Rich & Royal (similar here)

Shoes: Vans (here)

Necklaces: Ariane Ernst (here & here)

Bag: Valentino (here)


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